Saturday, February 24, 2007

Update on education reform in Gansu

This is some kind of a report on the status of educational development in Gansu for the year 2005.

There are several sections that report progress on the work and support of ensuring progress in the sweeping out illiteracy movement and the work in ensuring all children have access to 9 year compulsory education. There is attention paid to comments on higher education and vocational education all of which i am and must be peripherally interested in. Of course I start paying closer attention to the section on the progress in implementatino of the new curriculum reforms.

二、教育改革全面深化,取得突破性进展 the reform of education has been comprehensively deepened and had made outstanding progress
(一)管理体制改革 基础教育“以县为主”的管理体制进一步完善,政府加大经费投入、促进基础教育发展的责任逐步得以落实。企业分离办社会步伐加快,移交地方政府管理的企业中小学运转正常。制定下发了《关于下放初中毕业升学考试管理权限的通知》,将“三考合一”管理权下放到市州,进一步理顺了管理体制。各地认真贯彻在县城和经济比较发达的乡镇优先发展高中教育的发展思路,调整布局结构,优质教育资源不断壮大。积极引导省内高校的合并与改制,完成了兰州铁路机械学校和兰州铁路运输技工学校整体并入兰州交通大学的各项工作,完成了甘肃农业职业技术学院、甘肃畜牧工程职业技术学院和兰州资源环境职业技术学院在教育部的备案工作。
the first section provides an overview of the restructuring process by which the county has become the major governmental boty for the oversight of basic education.
(二)基础教育课程改革 为进一步推动基础教育课程改革工作,全面实施课程和教学改革,提高教育教学质量,省政府召开全省基础教育课程改革工作电视电话会议,从完善制度、统筹协调、强化督导、加大投入、加强宣传等方面提出了全面实施课程改革的具体措施。与天津市教委联合举办了以“新课程背景下的学校改革管理”为主题的2005年津陇中小学校长论坛。表彰基础教育课程改革实验工作32个先进单位和60名先进个人。制定印发了《关于全面推进基础教育课程改革的意见》,分别对义务教育、高中阶段教育、幼儿教育和特殊教育的课程改革提出不同要求和总体目标。基础教育课程改革从2001年开始实验推广以来,到 2005年秋季已进入全面实施阶段。
this section speaks specifically about the curriculum reforms. they held a discussion about how to manage school reform in the context of the new curriculum reforms. there is also a document 关于全面推进基础教育课程改革的意见that I would like to study to get an update on what is going on. The paragraph mentions that by 2005 the new curriculum reforms were being implemented "comprehensively"... i still wonder what this means exactly.

(三)教育教学改革 积极开展城市对农村、东部对西部的联合招生和合作办学,80所职业学校与北京、江苏等外省市的80多所学校和企业签订了联合招生与合作办学协议。继续加强示范性重点学校和实训基地建设,2所中职学校被确定为国家级重点学校,兰州石化职业技术学院等19所职业院校被推荐为2005年全国重点支持的职业教育实训基地建设项目校。积极推进人才培养模式改革工作,在兰州大学建立了“甘肃省核科学与技术人才培养基地”,在兰州石化职业技术学院设立了数控技术等5个省级教学改革试点专业。
this paragraph gives an overview of the work in coordinating help between city and rural schools, between east and west.
... in this section on educational management the third point is about the moral training of teachers. the guiding slogan seems to be "three news and one virtue: new beliefs/concepts, new curriclum, new skills and ethics education for teachers" The section ends with statistics about the qualification rate of teachers at different levels. (三)教师队伍建设 召开了师德建设座谈会,深入宣传优秀教师教书育人、为人师表的高尚师德,进一步加强和改进师德建设,新评特级教师138名。县级教师培训机构及教师学习资源建设有所进展。广泛开展“三新一德”(新理念、新课程、新技术、师德教育)新一轮培训。利用国内外有关项目,对中小学教师、校长进行了培训,效果明显。全省小学、普通初中、普通高中教师的学历合格率分别达到了96.71%、92.84%和67.71%,分别比上年提高了0.72、2.59、 6.25个百分点。