Thursday, June 28, 2007

article purposes and educational purposes

In the previous post I considered the various categories of documents i might look at. Here i continue to work along those lines and see which overarching important documents I can find that fit into each category. again i need a convincing, tight and rigorous argument for the selection of these documents--
--related to overall national plans for education and development
1. by virtue of the fact that the document lays out a macro plan for education development
2. by virtue of guiding thought and philosophy
3. documents were chosen based on seminality. the documents chosen had to have national implications and there needs to be evidence that these documents are broadly studied and generate subsequent documents? measures of this include: an annoucement from the ministry of education that requires that individuals and organizations at all levels of the education sector study the document. The dcoument or speech was reprinted in the people's daily. the document is included as fundamental reading in teacher training materials.

type one: national plans for overall educational development

2007教育部关于学习、宣传和全面贯彻《国家教育事业发展“十一五”规划纲要》的通知 Text of speech
2007 国务院批转教育部国家教育事业发展“十一五”规划纲要的通知 (11th five year plan for national educational development)
20042003-2007年教育振兴行动计划 (overall plan for national educational development)
2002全国教育事业第十个五年计划 (10th five year plan for national educational development)
1999中共中央国务院关于深化教育改革,全面推进素质教育的决定 (important document regarding national educational development that educators at all levels are required to study)1999面向21世纪教育振兴行动计划 (important document regarding national educational development that educators at all levels are required to study)
1996全国教育事业“九五”计划和2010年发展规划 (ninth five year plan for educational development)
1994国务院关于《中国教育改革和发展纲要》的实施意见 (important document regarding national educational development)1993中国教育改革和发展纲要 (important document regarding national educational development)
1985 中共中央关于教育体制改革的决定 (first guiding document about educational reform since the beginning of opening and reform)

type two: speeches by the president about education that have been disseminated for wider study or that were given at a national conference on educational development.
2006中共教育部党组关于学习贯彻胡锦涛总书记讲话精神切实加强社会主义荣辱观教育的通知 (the ministry of education requires everyone to study the speech of Hu Jintao regarding strengthening socialist education)
2001江泽民在庆祝清华大学建校九十周年大会上的讲话 (could include as this also is an example of jzm ideas about education--it is likely slanted towards higher education)
2000关于教育问题的谈话 (jiang ze min offers comments on education that then affect further policy development at the national level? is this a source of slogans? people are then instructed to study this speech)
1998江泽民在庆祝北京大学建校一百周年大会上的讲话 (could include as this also is an example of jzm ideas about education--it is likely slanted towards higher education)
1989 Deng Xiaoping's talk "China will tolerate no disturbances"
1985 Deng Xiaoping's talk at the National Conference on Education "Devote Special Effort to Education"
1977 Deng Xiaoping's "Some comments on work in Science and Education"
(in Chinese)关于科学和教育工作的几点意见 (contains seminal ideas regarding the direction of national educational development at the start of opening and reform)
1978 Deng Xiaoping's talk at the National Conference on Education
(in Chinese) 在全国教育工作会议上的讲话 (contains seminal ideas regarding the direction of national educational development at the start of opening and reform)

type three: basic education seminal documents


type four: higher education seminal documents
211 工程

type five: vocational education seminal documents
type six: rural education seminal documetns
type seven: minority educatoin seminal documents
type eight: documents regarding moral/political/ideological educational development

... on second thoughts i think that this complicates it again. i would like to concentrate on documents that have a national comprehenisve focus. but maybe keep the basic ed framework? maybe find a main higher ed doc? maybe find voced doc and a minority ed doc and a rural ed doc.???

i am at a loss once again and perhaps this is the stage to start trying to focus on my theory development. i need a solid question... a question that will stay with me and be stable throughout.

do i want to stay with the purposes of education? that seems far too philosophical. it feels like i would need to read dewey again. i could think back to landegg courses? to my curriculum theory course?
it seems quite related to a discussion that is far beyond me and that is the socialism vs. capitalism dilemma in chinese ideological thought. the socialism capitalism tension was addressed by deng xiaoping in early redefinitions of mao zedong thought, and of communist/socialist ideology, his travels around the south to investigate the effects of the reforms, his black cat/white cat analogy. he also had to face this dilemma in coming up with a way to deal with the student uprsings in the late 1980s. jiang zemin had to also negotiate the party line and increasing marketization and the three represents apparently conveys ideas along these lines as well.
so what does this have to do with educational purpose? is the educational purpose under the premise of capitalism different from the educational purpose under the premise of socialism? what would be different about it? this sounds like a very sociological question.

do the critical theorists have anything to say about any of this? can bowles and gintis be use at all, social reproduction theory?
i need to include the andreas article in my literature review/theoretical framework section.


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