Educational development 1960-1969
3月、5月,中共中央文教小组召开省、市委文教书记会议。会议提出教学改革方针、原则和文教部门大办生产企业、学术批判、学生参加生产劳动等问题的具体政策。Meeting to discuss specific policies regarding scholarly criticism and the participation of students in labor.
3月8日,北京电视大学开学。这是我国的第一所电视学校。Beijing Television University opens as the first television university
4月9日,陆定一在二届全国人大二次会议上作《教学必须改革》的发言,提出在中小学教学改革中应“适应缩短年限,适当提高程度、适当控制学时,适当增加劳动”。此后,全国各地开始较大规模的学制改革试验。speech given by Lu Dingyi "Education must reform". he coined the following slogan "reduce the length of the school year, raise the level, control the number of classes, raise the amount of labor"
4月10日,二届全国人大二次会议通过《1956-1967年全国农业发展纲要》,提出要大力提倡群众办学、集体办学,在十二年内基本扫除青壮年文盲。framework for national agricultural development. In this plan the masses were encouraged to open schools, collectively manage schools, and to work towards the goal of eliminating illiteracy among youth within twelve years.
11月24日-12月12日,中共中央文教小组召开全国文教工作会议。会后向中共中央写了《关于1961年和今后一个时期文化教育工作安排的报告》。次年2月7日,中共中央批转了这个报告,批示提出,当前文教工作必须贯彻执行“调整、巩固、充实、提高”的方针。由此,教育系统开始进行教育事业和教育政策的调整、整顿。Document of the CCP "Report regarding the arrangements for educational and cultural work in 1961" The slogan that emerged from this document was "Adjust, consolidate, enrich, improve"
2月,中共中央书记处讨论高等学校和中等专业学校的教材问题。决定由中宣部、教育部成立高等学校及中等专业学校理工农医各科教材工作领导小组,负责组织教材编写工作。Meeting regarding development of teachign materials for universities and vocational schools.
7月、12月,教育部两次召开全国高、中等学校调整工作会议。会议提出高、中等学校要缩短战线、压缩规模、合理布局,通过调整工作集中力量提高教学质量。并讨论调整教育事业的具体计划。More work on the continuing reforms of higher and middle level education.
7月30日,毛泽东给江西共产主义劳动大学写信,赞成和支持该校实行半工半读和勤工俭学,希望各省也应该有这样的学校。从此,江西共产主义劳动大学成为全国探索半工半读办学道路的样板之一。Jiangxi Communist Labor University becomes the experimental site and model of half labor half study schooling.
9月15日,中共中央批准试行《教育部直属高等学校暂行工作条例(草案)》。1963年3月23日,中共中央批准试行《全是制中学暂行工作条例(草案)》和《全日制小学暂行工作条例(草案)》。三个《条例》在调查研究的基础上总结了建国以来特别是1958年“教育革命”以来教育方面正反两方面的经验教训,对于使全国教育工作逐步走向正轨,稳定讲稿教学秩序,改进教学工作,提高教育质量,调动知识分子积极性,发展国家教育事业,起了积极作用。Three documents regarding the administration of education at the college level, middle school level and primary school level that drew on the experience since the founding of New China and especially since 1958.
3月2日,周恩来在全国科学技术工作会议上(广州会议)上作《关于知识分子问题》的报告,指出对知识分子要采取团结、教育和改造的方针,要信任、要帮助、应改善关系,解决问题,对过去批评错了的要向人家道歉。陈毅也在会上讲话,给知识分子“脱帽加冕”。more on the problem of the intellectuals
5月25日,中共中央批发教育部党组《关于进一步调整教育事业和精简学校教职工的报告》,指出在我国发展教育事业,必须贯彻执行国家办学和人民办学两条腿起路的方针,坚决改变国家对教育事业包得过多的办法。Document regarding continuing adjustment of educational cause and simplification of school staffing measures. Mentions the need for cooperation and balance between schools supported by the government and schools opened by the people.
12月21日,教育部发出通知,要求各地首先集中力量,在省、市、自治区范围办学若干所全日制中学,在每一县(市)和市属区范围内办好一至几所小学,以提高教育质量。each area should first muster their forces and in every province, city, autonomous region set up middle schols and in every county, city set up one or several primary schools.
3月5日,毛泽东及刘少奇、周恩来、朱德、邓小平题词号召向雷锋同志学习马马虎虎经,全国各级类学校普遍开展了学习雷锋的活动。the nation's leaders call upon all levels of education to start "learn from lei feng" activities.
5月8日,毛泽东在东北、河北的两个报告中批示:用讲校史、家史、社史、厂史的方法教育群众。此后,全国各级学校广泛开展访贫问苦,请老贫农、老工人、老红军做忆苦思甜报告,通过社会调查等办法,向学生进行阶级斗争教育。还指定一些城市中学开设了贫下中农子女班,招收少量优秀农村子女入学。Mao Zedong calls upon each school to organize the telling of history of each school, of each family, of each community, of each factory in order to educate the masses. From then on all across teh nation ever level of school was to invite the original peasants, workers, soldiers, to come and give lectures on the past experiences. Through the means of social surveys students must be taught about the class struggle. It was also required that city schools open some schools for the poor peasants and find some talented students from the rural areas to enroll in the schools.
10月18日,周恩来召集教育部及有关部委。团中央、全国妇联负责人讨论中小学教育和职业教育问题。指出中小学教育和职业教育量大,关系也很大,决不能忽视。教育部工作不能“大大、小小”,要“小大、大小”。要有一个规划,加强中小学教育,扩大职业教育。Zhou Enlai holds a meeting regarding the supreme importance of primary school education and vocational education.
10月18日,中共中央发出《关于加强少年儿童校外教育和整顿中小学教师队伍的批示》,要求各地党政领导机关采取措施,加强对少年儿童的保护和教育;结合城乡社会主义教育运动,对中小学教师队伍有步聚地加以整顿。CCP document "Instructions regarding the strengthening of extracurricular education for children and the reorganization of the primary and middle school teachers"
2月13日,毛泽东在主持召开的教育工作座谈会上说:教育的方针路线是正确的,但办法不对。学制、课程、教学方法都要改。之后,教育部召开全国教育厅局长会议,传达学习毛泽东讲话和中央有关批示、检查教育工作中的缺点、错误,提出了加强学校思想政治工作,减轻学生负担,进一步贯“两条腿走路”的方针,逐步实行两种教育制度。Mao Zedong calls for further reform of educational system, curriculum teaching methods. Meeting was called for all the provincial education bureau leaders to emphasize teh importance of studying Mao Zedong's words and the instructions of CCP leadership and to return to strengthen the work of ideological and political education, to reduce the students study burden, further the work of "walking on two legs" to establish two educational systems.
5月4日,中共中央、国务院批转教育部临时党组《关于克服中小学学生负担过重现象和提高教学质量的报告》,中央批示:解决这些问题,不但是提高教学质量所必须的,而且关系到办什么样的学校,培养什么样的人的重大问题,必须引起各级党委和政府的足够重视。[this document looks to be quite key to my analysis.] CCP and State Council write "Report regarding overcoming the study burden for middle and primary school students and the raising of the quality of teaching and learning in the schools." The report was focused on questions regarding the best type of schooling, and the cultivation of what kind of people.
7月-8月,刘少奇在向中央各部委和北京市委干部的报告及在各地视察时,建议各省、市、自治区试办半工(农)半读学校。并至少在五年后才能初步总结经验,扩大试验,十年以后推广。More on half labor half study schools.
9月11日,中共中央、国务院发出通知:组织高等学校文科师生参加社会主义教育运动。1965年2月,又指示组织高等学校理、工科师生参加社会主义教育运动。此后,中央宣传部在北京大学,中共北京市委在北京市几所中学进行社会主义教育运动试点。CCP and state council call for the teachers and students in universities who are studying the social sciences to participate in socialist education activities.
3月,教育部召开全国农村并农半读教育会议,10月召开全国城市半工半读教育会议,12月召开全国并工(农)半读高等教育会议。由此,全国再次掀起试行两种教育制度,大办并工半读学校的热潮。此前,11月17日中共中央转发江苏省委《关于发展半工(耕)半读教育制度的规划(草案)》,中央批示:半工(耕)半读学校我们今后教育发展的方向。Specific documents put out regarding the half labor half study schools.
7月3日,毛泽东写信给陆定一,指出:“学生负担过重,影响健康。”建议从学生活动总量中砍去三分之一,使学生有充分的休息时间和自由支配的时间。此信简称“七三指示”。Mao Zedong writes a letter to Lu Dingyi saying "Students study burden is too heavy and it is influencing their health." He recommended removing a third of all the students activities so that student could have ample time to rest and have some free time to themselves. This letter became known as "Instructions of July 3rd"
5月7日,毛泽东在给林彪的信中提出,全国各行各业都要办成亦工亦农,亦文亦武,又批判资产阶级的社会组织。学生也应该“以学为主,兼学别样”。“学制要缩短,教育要革命,资产阶级知识分子统治我们学校的现象再也不能继续下去了”。此信简称“五七指示”。在“文化大革命”。中阁下了严重的消极影响。 In a letter from Mao zedong to Lin Hu he writes that the nation should all take part in industrial work, agricultural work, literary pursuits and military action. We must criticize the organization by the bourgeoisie. Students must make study the most important work but at the same time learn other things. The educational system must be reduced, we need an educational revolution. The control of the education system by the bourgeois intellectuals must be brought to an end. This letter has come to be known as "the instructions of May 7th" and had a huge influence on starting the Cultural Revolution.
6月1日,经毛泽东批准,新华社播发北京大学聂元梓等7人攻击学校党委和北京市委的一张大字报。同日,《人民日报》发表题为《横扫一切牛鬼蛇神》的社论。从此“文化大革命”席卷全国。 With Mao Zedong's permission Nie Yuanxin and seven others at the Beijing university Xinhua Broadcasting distribute Big Character posters attacking the leaders of the university and the leader of the city. On the same day the People's Daily published an editorial "Eliminate all monsters and freaks"...This was the begining of the Cultural Revolution.
8月8日,党的八届一中全会通过《关于无产阶级文化大革命的决定》(简称十六条)。决定提出:在这场文化大革命中,必须彻底改变资产阶级知识分子统治我们学校的现象。这一提法在“文化大革命”中一直为学校进行“斗、批、改”所奉行。 A document published by the party "Decision regarding the proletarian great Cultural Revolution" (or the 16 points) this cultural revolution it is imperative to completely change bourgeois intellectuals' control of the schools. in the document it states that in schools this must be carried out through "struggle, criticism and reform"
8月18日毛泽东在天安门首次接见全国各地来北京进行串联的红卫兵和学校师生。Mao Zedong meets for the first tiem with the red guard teachers and students from around the nation in Tiananmen Square. 至11月26日,共8次接见红卫兵和学生教师共1100万人。此时全国学校已完全停课,广大学校师生卷入全国大串联从而造成了社会大动乱。 This continues until November 26 and Mao Zedong has spoken with 11, 000, 000 people all together. All the schools around the nation has been closed and th enation was in great social turmoil.
1月9日,中央教育部被夺权,印章被抢走,档案被劫走,办公室被占领。 Office of the education bureau is plundered and taken over.
3月7日,毛泽东在《天津延安中学以教学班为基础实现全校大联合和整顿巩固发展红卫兵的体会》的材料中批示:军队应对学校师生进行军训,并参与关于学校的各项工作。要说服学生实行联合。此即“三七指示”。 Mao Zedong publishes some instructions regarding teh support of the work of Red Guards and states "The military must provide military training for the students, and participate in the running of all the schools affairs. They must persuade the students to work in the bringing people together work. These are known as the March 7th instructions.
由此,一些高等学校提出了各种各样“教育革命方案”,进行了名目繁多的“教育革命试验”,全盘否定了建国以来形成的高等学校的教学组织、规章和制度。 as a result some universities proposed various kinds of plans for educational revolution and carried out a variety of educational revolutionary experiments which completely negated all teh work that had been accomplished since the founding of New China.
12月,中共中央、国务院、中央军委和中央文革小组印发《毛主席论教育革命》一书。 A book is published by the Cultural Revolution working group of the State Council entitled "Mao Zedong's theory of educational revolution" [Here is an article that discusses this book the book seems to also be available for purchase on Chinese ebay]
7月10日,周恩来在对北京市公安局军管会关于人民大学教授何思敬死亡情况报告的批示中,严厉批评那种撇开国法和专政机关,由群众组织来“私捕私讯,打人致死,专政机关置之不问”的所谓“群众专政”的做法“决非善策”。 Zhou Enlai condemns the actions that lead to the death of People's University Professor He Si.
7月21日,毛泽东在对一个调查报告的批示中指出:大学还是要办的。但学制要缩短,教育要革命。要从有实践经验的工人农民中间选拔学生,到学校学几年后,又回到生产中去。简称为“七二一指示”。 July 21st directive of Mao Zedong emphasizing that school must continue but just shortened and then students should begin to labor, students must be chosen from among the experienced workers adn peasants.
7月27日,根据毛泽东的决定,工人宣传队进驻清华大学。8月25日,中共中央、国务院、中央文革发出《关于派工人宣传队进驻学校的通知》。此后,各城市大、中、小学以及上层建筑各个领域普遍派进了工人宣传队,领导学校的斗、批、改工作。The workers propaganda group were encouraged to enter universities adn lead the work of "struggle, criticize and reform"
9月12日,《人民日报》发表了该报与《红旗》杂志评论员的文章:《关于知识分子再教育问题》。 Article published in People's Daily "Regarding the problem of the reeducation of intellectuals"
8月遵照毛泽东的指示,各地贫下中农从本月起陆续向农村中小学派进毛泽东思想宣传队,成立贫下中农管理学校委员会,对学校实行管理。 Poor peasants are instructed to enter the schools in the rural areas and to establish administration of the schools by the poor peasants.
11月14日《人民日报》发表山东省吉祥县马集公社两个小学教师的一封信。信中建议所有农村公办小学下放到大队来办。简称为“侯王建议”。在它的影响下,许多地区的农村公办小学和教师被下放,严重地影响了农村小学教育的发展。People's daily publishes a letter from two teachers in a rural cooperative recommending that leaders of rural cooperatives take over the schools and release all the teachers.
12月22日,《人民日报》在一篇报道中引述毛泽东的指示:“知识青年到农村去,接受贫下中农的再教育,很有必要。”从此,全国各地城镇出现了知识青年上山下乡的热潮。文化大革命期间,全国上山下乡的知识青年有1600多万人。 People's Daily publishes Mao Zedon'g directives "Intellecutual youth must go to the rural areas to receive reeducation from the poor peasants." As a result, there was a wave of young people around the nation who left the cities and went down to the countryside. Overall the number of youth who were "ent down" was around 16 million.
1月29日,中共中央、中央文革批转清华大学工人、解放军宣传队《关于坚决贯彻执行对知识分“再教育”、“给出路”政策的报告》。该报告成为中共中央向全国推广的经验之一。 Publication of "Report regarding the strict enforcement of the policy of the reeducation of intellectuals, the finding of outlets"
4月14日,中国共产党第九次全国代表大会通过的政治报告中指出:“把上层建筑包括教育、文艺、新闻、卫生等各个领域中的革命进行到底。” Meeting of the ninth people's congress in which a report proclaimed that the superstructure that included education, the arts, the news, and health had all been completely revolutionized.
10月-12月,大批高等学校和中等专业技术学校根据中共中央发出《关于高等院校下放问题的通知》,规定中央所属的高等院校全部下放地方管理。Announcement regarding management of higher and middle level education--all those previously managed by the central government were now to be managed by the local governments (?)
Hello! I am also doing some study related to Chinese education in the past 50 years or so, but in Germany. It is very difficult to find the relevant information. But I want to quote some of the paragraphs in your blog. Could you please tell me the sources of the "major events in Chinese education from 1960-1980"? My email adress is Thanks a lot!
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