Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Articles that cite Ginsburg et. al "National and World Systems Explanations of Education Reform"

I have been doing some reading on the role of the state in educational expansion and reform. I started with the article:

Ginsburg, Mark B., Susan Cooper, Rajeshwari Raghu, and Hugo Zegarra. "National and World-System Explanations of Education Reform." Comparative Education Review 34, no. 4 (1990): 474-99.

and used ISI citation index to track down articles in which this article was cited and then followed the snowball trail pursuing questions of education and democratization.

The first article I read was

Weber, Everard. "Shifting to the Right: The Evolution of Equity in the South African Government's Developmental and Education Policies, 1990-1999." Comparative Education Review 46, no. 3 (2002): 261-90.

this article is very relevant to my work as it uses the same methodology: analysis of educational policy documentation. Weber's main concern is tracing the government's goal of equity as expressed in policy documentation. He argues that the overarching goal of equity is lost in the conservative, neoliberal positions that dominate development thinking around the world.

[do i need to find a place in my schema for equity as an educational purpose? currently it is not there. i think part of what is troubling me is that i am not really allowing the documents to speak for themselves. I still have not clarified exactly what i am looking for. I am looking for educational purposes but i am also looking for implications for teaching practices. if i let the documents really speak for themselves maybe i would be arriving at different conclusions. i think i am approaching the documents looking for what i want to look for.]

I also read:

Benavot, Aaron. "Educational and Political Democratization: Cross-National and Longitudinal Findings." Comparative Education Review 40, no. 4 (1996): 377-403.

which is a historical comparative study looking at the effects of basic education on political democracy in nations around the world. there is an overview of conceptualizations and operationalizations of democracy in the literature and discussion of how education might be linked to this. then there is empirical analysis using panel data over the periods 1965-1980, 1980-1988.

the paper makes me consider the role of education in china in this framework of democratization and also in light of the quotation in the Economist...and statements about changing social, cultural and political orders.


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