Friday, January 06, 2006

Decision of the state council regarding basic education reform and development

This document moves more into the actual practicalities of implementation and so it felt a little more challenging to assign codes to each of the paragraphs.


Total number of paragraphs = 40 plus 2 introductory paragraphs

Econ dev: 22
sociopolitical control: 10
social justice: 30

alot of the language and ideas are becoming very familiar as there is much overlap among these documents.

there is teh standard phrase about the tremendous achievements in education that have been accomplished since opening and reform BUT there is still far to go.

this document cites as its inspiration the various educational laws and also "the framework for the tenth five year plan for the economic and social developmetn of the PRC"

there are five major sections in the document as follows:

1. Establish the position of basic education in the lines of action for the socialist modernizing construction, persist in maintaining the priority of basic education development

they cite the requisite dxp mantra and now also jxm sange daibiao.
the cite the important position of basic ed in the "science adn education revitalize the nation" ideal

thedocument outlines a stratified plan of action

15 percent of the poorest areas that have not yet achieved the universalization of basic education must focus on achieving that

50 percent of nations areas that are also in the rural areas must focus on consolidating and improving the quality of nine years compulsory ed., develop high school education and also preschool education

the remaining 35 percent of the nation in cities and developed regions is to focus on establishing a high quality of nyce and on the universalization of high school. the specific goal to achieve is to arrive at education at the level of education in middle income countries.

there is a list of tasks to be accomplished: diversification of textbook material production, reform of examination system, development of computer educaiton, teacher training, the call for coordinated development, plans for resizing and expanding and joining together schools.

development of preschool ed.

2. perfect teh management systems, gurantee financial investment, promote rural nyce's sustainable adn health development

nyce is the foundation of "kejiao xing guo" rural education is a crucial component of this.

specific roles and responsibilities of each level of government are laid out especially with regard to finance but all must submit to national decisions about "teaching system, curriculum design, curriculum standards, design of the textbooks."

teacher salaries, workign conditions.

solve the problem of dilapidated buildings

reform of educational financing and taxation, crack down on "luan shou fei"

give attention to education for the disabled, for migrant children and for girls

reform of educational structure from five adn three years to six and three years system

increase investmetn in development in the west adn in minority areas, tibet classes, xinjiang classes

anti illiteracy work espcially among minorities and in the poorest areas

3. deepen the reform of pedagogy, solidly promote suzhi jiaoyu

implement the "decision of the state council for the deepening of educational reform and comprehensively promote suzhi jiaoyu": change educational thought, transform educational concepts, face needs of all studetns, improve morals of studetns, place emphasis on students creative abilities and ability to apply knowledge in practice, lay a solid foundation for students all roudn development.

The following is a key paragraph:

"the implementation of suzhi jiaoyu, the promotion of students "moral, intellectual, physical, and artistic" all round development, should reflect the requirements of the age. it is necessary to imbue students with partriotism, the spirit of collectivism, the passionate love of socialism, to enable them to inherit and disseminate the excellent traditions of the Chinese people, and also revolutionary traditions; imbue them with a consciousness of the legal system of socialist democracy, respect the nation's laws and social morals; gradually develop a correct world view, view of human nature; and values; be imbued with social responsibility, work hard to serve the people; be imbued with an emerging spirit of creativity, ability to apply knowledge in practice, cultivation in the sciences and humanities, and have environmental awareness; be imbued with the basic knowledge to enable them to adapt to lifelong learning, basic skills adn methods; to possess a strong constitution adn a healthy psychological disposition, develop healthy appreciation of beauty and way of life, become a generation of new people who have ideals, have morals, have culture and have discipline."

there is a long paragraph on moral education.

paragraph 19. relevance to economic development, developmentally appropriate, renew curricular content, guide the students in active learning, increase interdisciplinary integration in primary school, english, science education, electives in high school, strengthen labor education, community service "cultivate students love of labor, feelings for the people who love labor, and grasp some skills in labor.

education should be relevant to rural areas

three levesl fo curriculum, create a system for curricum development which will organize experts, scolars, and experienced primary and middle school teachers to work on the curriculum.

health: sport ed, disease control and hygiene, food safety, milk for the students project.

work of developing arts education

diversification of curricular materials under the "basic requirements set by the country"

paragraph 23 is about teaching methods:

enthusiastically develop pedagogical reform and research in the educational sciences; continue to lay great importance on the teaching of basic knowledge, basic skills adn at the same time pay attention to teh cultivation of emotion and attitudes. make full use of various curriculum recources, cultivate studetns ability to collect, analyze and use information; implement inquiry based learning, cultivate the ability of students to ask questions, investigate problems, ans solve problems. encourage cooperative learning, promote students mutual communication, common development, promote teaching where teachers and student learn from each other. every areas must establish pedagogical reform pilot counties and schools in order to investigate and experiment as well as disseminate new curriculum materials adn advanced teachign methods. each areas must set up model high schools where suzhi jiaoyu is being implemented. in high schools that have the sufficient conditions can collaborate with universities in order to create new means for the cultivation of human talent.

all taechers shoudl enthusiastically participate in pedagogical experimentation and education research, educational institutions should fully exploit educational research. normal universities and educational research insitutes must enthusiastically participate in the reform of curriculum materials for basic education and for the reform of pedagogy.

We must be sure to draw on the advanced experience in education reform in other countries. reward and disseminate successful experiences in the reform of basic educaiton.

paragraph 24: continue to reduce burden on students

reform of examinations: should not publicize children's ranking in the classroom,
testing should both help in the selection of qualified candidates for higher ed adn high school and also help in the evaluation of the development of students overall capacities, have multiple opportunities to be evaluated, choice on both sides, comprehensive evaluation testing...for exceptional students they can enter institutes of higher education without testing.

development of educational technology

standardization of spoken and written language.

4. perfect the system of teacher education, deepend the reform of the personnel system, put great effort into the strengthening of teh construction of the teaching forces for primary and middle school teachers.

system of backbone teachers who will teach other eteachers. efficiency in personnel system

5. promote reform in the system of school establishment, promote the health development of social forces involvement in school development.

family education, stimulating excitement in the community about educational reform. get everyone involved.

final paragraph "basic education is a common cause for all of society. continue to suppor the "Hope Project" and the "spring bud plan" and the "one helps one" plan where city people help poor students in rural areas. news and media should do even more work to aid in the implemention of teh lines of action of "science and education revitalize the nation"...national bodies, commercial enterprises, social organizationsl and so on should all exploit their advantages, work together, develop an atmospher in which all society cares about and supports basic education."

Examples of economic development goals in this document are:

the reference to the need to follow the guidance in the "tenth five year plan for social adn economic development"... the stratified plan of development for different regions (i link this to economic development based on some feeling that the main goal is not really equitable but ensures that in areas that have the sufficient conditions they will be equipped to further excellence to achieve internationally competitive standards.)

the emphasis on computer education reflects the desire to raise the technical capacity of the nation.

the emphasis on rural education being relevant to the rural economy

the decentralization movement wehre local areas are now to be responsible for education finance reflects international "neoliberal" kinds of ideologies of economic accountability perhaps (i need to learn more about this kind of thinking)

efficiency in the educaitonal system

cultivation of innovation adn creativity and problem solving abilities

diversification of sources of funding for education. i am a little unsure of whether it is a reform that aims to foster economic development or foster equity. again my rationale for putting it into the econ deve category is sort of this feeling that is is in accordance with institutionalized neoliberal notions of decentralization and marketization...private enterprises that contribute to education enjoy tax benefits but i believe must be non-profit.

i don't feel satisfied with my coding of this document. it may be that i need to refine my coding scheme or my sample document selection. one consideration may be that a major goal of basic education is to achieve social justice...i suppose sociopolitical control is also important.

examples from this document of sociopolitical control

references back to the various legal documents related to education, reference to sange daibiao

teacher morals

the tibetan and xinjiang schools that are outside of tibet and xinjiang

strengthen thought and virtues education, political education marxism etc.

standardization of language

a focus on school safety

social justice

eradication of illeracy, universalization of compulsory education, raising quality of rural education, the safety of school buildings, the nutrition of students, hygienic conditiosn in the schools, education for the disabled, for migrant children and for girls, service learning, enhancement of school environment, keeping the costs of textbook materials low, national investment in educational technology for poor areas in middle and western provinces, encouraging partnerships between developed regions and poorer regions, encouraging individual donations to help poor students in rural areas, lending suppor to the hope project and the spring bud project.


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